Tree of Life Preschool Centre implements the Early Years Foundation Stage, the most modern child-centered early years curriculum, in a green and safe environment, so that parents can be sure that they have made the right choice in the most sensitive and important period of the little man. Entrust your child's care and education in our school!
Our Mission
To provide the ideal, safer and more dynamic learning environment for children.
To help all children develop their skills and abilities with confidence, to become successful students, responsible citizens and effective contributors in society.
To make sure that all children are happy and love school.
Our goal
The children develop rapidly during the first years of their life and the child's experiences between birth and the age of five have a huge impact on their future life and opportunities. The period from 0 to 5 years is the most important for the formation of their character and the right foundation for the child.
Our goal is to provide children with the foundations to love knowledge and learning, to strengthen their skills and self-confidence, to develop socially, emotionally and cognitively.
Our philosophy
We know how important the first five years of a child's life are and we are committed to providing a safe and encouraging environment in which your child can grow and develop at his or her own pace. We follow the principles:
We believe that care and education are integral concepts.
We believe that children are better supported through the cooperation of parents and teachers.
Our curriculum is based on observation and play, because we believe that children learn best through playful experiences.
We cultivate respect between children and adults so that children learn to respect people, animals and the nature.
We will empower children to use resources and the environment in a way that develops their independence and problem-solving skills / autonomy.
We will help children develop positive relationships with other children and adults.
We work with scientists and professionals to provide the best possible services to children.
We are a fully accredited British School Overseas (BSO), recognised by the British Ministry for Education, in addition to full compliance with the Greek Legislation. We follow the UK's Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) curriculum, which sets the standard for promoting children's learning, development and safety and is meticulously designed for children aged from birth to 5 years.
We provide children with a safe, loving and caring environment. The educational programs are structured according to the age of the children. The specialised and experienced teachers help each child to grow both intellectually and socially. For us, each child is special and has their own way of learning. For us, your child is a smart child, whether they are one or five years old.
The large playgrounds and the green pine forest are the ideal hosting areas for preschool education, a true Forest School. All our children have access to particularly large and well-equipped outdoor play areas. Our outdoor space is very spacious and important to us. Outdoor play is a fundamental part of early childhood development. The outdoor space is designed in such a way that children's play can be fully expressed in a safe environment. It is an environment where children's play and learning take off and flourish. A place where through play they can explore the natural world and where they are given the opportunity to learn through first-hand experiences and process their feelings, thoughts and ideas.
Care and education are the elements that define us.
We are located in a green pine forest of 12,000 sq.m. in Eleones, Pylaia. In a friendly, safe and pleasant place, created with respect and love for children and based on our years of experience on the successful operation of day nurseries.
Our services
Operational Specifications in Compliance with Current Greek and British Legislation
Infant to Kindergarten (Reception & KS1) Classes – Greek, British, or Bilingual Programmes
12,000 sq.m. outdoors area - Playgrounds for every age group
Daily preparation of breakfast and lunch with a balanced menu approved by the School’s paediatrician
Modern fire detection and firefighting systems
Thermal camera at the entrance of the school (see COVID-19)
Continuous monitoring of indoor and outdoor areas with closed circuit television - Entrance CCTV
Care and pedagogical interest that refers to a family environment
Ongoing counseling support for parents and children by a child psychologist and speech therapist - Parents' Schools
Weekly pediatric monitoring of all children
Transportation by privately owned school buses
Liability insurance coverage
Informative meetings of parents
Clubs (Swimming, Tennis, "Acting with Nature", Chess etc)
The British Curriculum-EYFS
Every child deserves the best possible start in their life and the best support that will allow them to fully develop their potential. The children develop rapidly during the first years of their life and the child's experiences between birth and the age of five have a huge impact on their future life and opportunities. The period from 0 to 5 years is the most important for the formation of their character and the right foundation for the child.
A confident, safe and happy childhood is important in itself. The good family upbringing of the children and at the same time the high quality preschool education provide the children with the foundations they need to make the most of their abilities and talents as they grow up...
Every child deserves the best possible start in their life and the best support that will allow them to fully develop their potential. The children develop rapidly during the first years of their life and the child's experiences between birth and the age of five have a huge impact on their future life and opportunities. The period from 0 to 5 years is the most important for the formation of their character and the right foundation for the child. A confident, safe and happy childhood is important in itself. The good family upbringing of the children and at the same time the high quality preschool education provide the children with the foundations they need to make the most of their abilities and talents as they grow up.
We provide the British Curriculum (EYFS - Early Years Foundation Stage).
EYFS sets the standards for preschool education that must be met to ensure that children learn, develop properly and stay healthy and safe. It promotes teaching and learning to ensure children's "school readiness" and gives them the wide range of knowledge and skills that provide the right foundation for good future progress through school and life.
EYFS seeks to provide:
quality and consistency throughout preschool education, so that every child has good progress and no child is left behind
a solid foundation through learning and development opportunities designed around the needs and interests of each child individually and evaluated and reviewed on a regular basis
close cooperation between teaching staff and parents
equal opportunities and non-discriminatory practices, ensuring that every child is integrated and supported.
EYFS sets out the requirements for learning and development and for the safety of children and the promotion of their well-being. The learning and development requirements cover:
the areas of learning and development that should shape the activities and experiences (educational programs) for children throughout preschool education
the learning objectives of preschool education that children should work towards (the knowledge, skills and understanding that children should have at the end of the academic year in which they become 5 years old) and
evaluation rules for measuring progress (and reporting requirements for parents)
Guiding principles
Four guiding principles should shape preschool education. These are:
every child is a unique child, who learns and absorbs constantly and can be capable, confident and confident
children learn to be strong and independent through positive relationships
children learn and develop well in a creative environment of encouragement, where their experiences meet their individual needs and there is close collaboration between teachers and parents
children develop and learn in different ways and at different rates.
The framework covers the education and care of children throughout preschool education.
The rooms are formed in special spaces or "corners" where the children through play and observation are called to express questions and express them to their team finding solutions and answers. Observation brings the children in contact with the environment and is the starting point for the development of mental processes. The teaching material of the school is safe, popular and freely accessible for all children. A child attending such a class is faced with an abundance of materials that they can touch, use, and examine. Their use is completely free. No one is forcing children to use one object or another. They can use the clay, to paint, to build, to engage in activities that are within their capabilities. They may feel from the beginning that they are ready for something more difficult. No one will stop it. Their class offers plenty of models. The choice is theirs.
The EYFS program offers the opportunity for the teacher to come in more direct contact with each child individually, to better appreciate their interests and skills and to take advantage of the fact that children work together more happily. The existence of an environment with trees, vegetation, soil, etc. is necessary because the child receives many stimuli from nature, which can be processed within his group. The natural environment teaches the child the raw materials of the things that surround him and is able to awaken his hidden powers.
Through stimuli of short or long duration, given by the child's questions, by nature, the media or by parental concerns, the child has the opportunity to satisfy his curiosity about a particular concept. Through play and observation, with great pleasure and satisfaction, he discovers and therefore conquers, everything that until then was unknown to him. In this way he is encouraged, gains self-confidence and develops a lasting love for learning. The child in preschool age develops the first mental manifestations of his life and that is why we should encourage spontaneous manifestations and not impose actions on him against his will. If we take seriously that pre-school education is an education that is practiced in the present but contributes to the formation of the later person, then our main concern should be the education of the child through a system that allows him to be happy, to develop the his sociability, to promote his personality, to cultivate and to be civilized.
The goals of the EYFS are purely practical in their very structure: Happy and joyful children, progressing according to their abilities. Their initiative and self-sufficiency in an atmosphere of controlled freedom with the pursuit of personal contact is encouraged, an element necessary in modern education. The biggest advantage of our program for the future development of children is their comfortable transition from preschool to kindergarten and primary school.
EYFS stimulates the morale of children by cultivating their sense of self-esteem and at the same time encourage them to learn. The strictly traditional environment only succeeds in enhancing the child's passivity and preventing him from developing his personality.
The fact is that children are happier with EYFS. This program lays the foundations for mentally healthy and happy adults.
Foreign language: importance in the child's education
The resources that the modern school must provide to the students in order to prepare them for the future, the type of knowledge and the way in which it is transferred and the identity that the students are expected to acquire through the foreign language education are key aspects of the issue of multilingualism...
The resources that the modern school must provide to the students in order to prepare them for the future, the type of knowledge and the way in which it is transferred and the identity that the students are expected to acquire through the foreign language education are key aspects of the issue of multilingualism.
The advantages of learning a foreign language at an early age
In summary, the most important findings on the benefits of learning foreign languages at early yeares are included in a large study supported by the European Commission (Edelenbos, Johnstone & Kubanek, 2006) are:
Early years is suitable for learning a foreign language as children have more motivation to learn, show enthusiasm and respond easily and naturally to learning techniques such as imitation and repetition.
Younger students tend to "play" with language and its sounds, a trait that promotes the development of comprehension and speech production. This characteristic is limited over time as the mental processes develop and the psycho-emotional world of children changes, with the result that older students are hesitant or ashamed to adopt characteristic elements of the spoken language of a foreign language, eg pronunciation, and to focus attention. in grammar or vocabulary.
Activities used at an early age, such as fairy tales, songs, games and stories, are a familiar medium for children to help them understand language as a set of words and phrases that make sense. They also facilitate the approach of interdisciplinary concepts which children will analyse and process in the higher grades of elementary school.
By learning a foreign language the child develops a positive attitude towards other languages and cultures and gains more confidence.
Learning another language alongside the mother tongue does not confuse the child, on the contrary it helps him to understand how his mother tongue works through the comparison he automatically makes with the foreign language.
The transfer of strategies from the mother tongue to the foreign language enhances mental processes and promotes language development in general.
The child, learning a foreign language, expands his cognitive horizon.
Linguists better understand not only the foreign but also their own culture, because they enter into processes of comparison and analysis of phenomena and behaviors. Let us also not forget that learning a language code other than the mother tongue is also a source of spiritual enjoyment.
The most appropriate age for learning a foreign language is the most common concern about language learning, as evidenced by research conducted in 2007 by the English Language Research Center of the University of Athens on teaching, learning and assessment of knowledge of foreign languages in Greece. There is no scientific evidence that children get confused if they learn two languages at the same time, even in infancy and toddlerhood (Genesee, 2008, page 18). The Project Team claims the same in its letter to the parents, stating that "We, however, the team of scientists from the University of Athens and the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, have found that no scientific study substantiates such a conclusion." This view, that learning a foreign language at an early age "confuses" children, delays their linguistic and mental development and negatively affects their school performance, has preoccupied parents, teachers and researchers since the mid-20th century eventually changed radically when scientific studies showed that bilinguals outperformed monolinguals in some areas (Peal and Lambert, 1962, with ref. at Giannakopoulou and Zouganeli, 2010). Bilinguals show more creativity, better problem-solving skills, and a more tolerant attitude toward others. (Bialystok & Martin, 2004, Genesee & Gandara, 1999 with ref. at Genesee, 2008). The differences between bilingual and monolingual children are not limited to the above, but also include other aspects. For example, according to research in 15-month-old infants learning two languages, there is a 2 or 3 month delay in developing their ability to distinguish similar words (eg. bit vs. bet), compared to monolingual children (Werker & Byers Heinlein, 2008 with ref. to Genesee, 2008). However, in the long run this small delay has no effect on the development of their language ability.
According to Jeanette Vos (, we are given 3 opportunities to learn the language:
The first opportunity is given by nature until the age of 6 months. In these 6 months the baby learns up to 70 sounds on which to base the speech of the language. After 6 months he gradually loses his ability to listen to new sounds and distinguish them. As a result, he can no longer pronounce sounds he does not hear. Therefore the door that leads to the perfect pronunciation of the sounds of a language closes permanently shortly after the first months of a baby's life.
The second opportunity to learn the language is given to the person up to 3 years old. Until this age, the foundations are laid for the language, the way of thinking, the vision and the special way that each of us sees the world and is called a personality. So up to 3 years it may be difficult to hear the sounds, but in terms of structure and vocabulary the language can be mastered as easily and spontaneously as the first. At this age, of course, language learning is aided by other skills that generally enhance learning. Young children learn using their whole being. They learn by sight, sounds, taste, touch, smell, action. That is why we never forget the sounds, tastes and smells of our childhood and they always cause us a pleasant feeling. In addition, if in our whole life we have 100% capacity for learning, in the first year we exhaust 50%, until our 8 years the other 30% and there is a 20% left for the rest of our life. It is therefore not unreasonable to say that a child can learn up to 5 languages in the first years of his life since his ability to learn can be compared to the ability of a sponge to absorb water.
The third opportunity to learn another language is given until the age of 8, when the child continues the wonderful ability to assimilate information, his innate curiosity for new experiences and the development of the brain that allows differences in what is already established. After 12 years all the doors close, because the architecture of the brain is already complete. Of course man continues to learn with intelligence and wisdom but what he learns is shaped according to the foundations laid in the first 12 years of his life. So foreign languages are learned based on the first, which poses obstacles since each language has its own logic that is often contrary to the logic of other languages.
Infant/Toddler age
As infant/toddler age, we can define the period from the birth to the end of the 2nd year of the child. During this period there is a significant development in both the physical and the psychosocial field...
As infant/toddler age, we can define the period from the birth to the end of the 2nd year of the child. During this period there is a significant development in both the physical and the psychosocial field.
Physical - motor field
In this period, huge developmental changes take place that make the child able to make more and more complex movements every day, culminating in the acquisition of physical control, ie to stand up and move in any direction. The course of physical development at this age is stereotypical and has a direction from "top down" and from "inside out" (ie first the head and torso develop and then the limbs of the child).
Cognitive field
During this period the child works automatically because there is no experience, so his reactions are not a consequence of thinking, but more innate and reflexive.
Language field
This period begins with the crying of the child, the production of the first sounds such as ba, ba, ma, ma. Usually at the age of 12 months or a little earlier speech production begins. The child is able to understand the sentences of the adults quite well but he is immature to repeat the same well.
Emotional and social development
After birth, the baby is in a general mood-emotional arousal, ie. it is not able to respond to every stimulus with the appropriate emotion. However, up to 18 months, in the emotional field all kinds of emotion arise (love, jealousy, anger, etc.).
It is important that during this period, usually in the 7th or 8th month, is observed the attachment of the child mainly to the mother but also to the other members of the family and the induction of stress when they move away from it. Careful handling of this situation will result in the acquisition or not of the "basic trust", an element of a healthy personality of a child!
That is why it is very important to choose a day nursery in which they know and take into account the above, with responsibility and empathy for the mother and the child!
Preschool age
During infancy the child partially acquired the ability of self-care and now during preschool he renews his efforts in the field of physical development for autonomy and self-sufficiency, necessary elements to move to the next stage which is the school period ...
During infancy the child partially acquired the ability of self-care and now during preschool renews his efforts in the field of physical development for autonomy and self-sufficiency, necessary elements to move to the next stage which is the school period.
Physical sector
Physical development continues, but at a different pace. The development so far has been almost definite and autogenous. In the next phase, the preschool, there is diversity and it depends to a large extent on the exercise and the experiences that each child experiences. Characteristic of this period is the normalisation of body proportions, the limbs grow and the body type of the child takes almost its final form.
Kinetic sector
In preschool we meet man in the most mobile stage of his life. The preschooler, after overcoming the conquest of his body and movements, now claims to conquer the world around him by running, going up and down stairs, climbing and generally trying anything that arouses his curiosity.
Parents and teachers at this stage of "discovery" must monitor and nurture children leaving them free to experiment and gain experience. All training must be done with active participation to gain experience and play. It goes without saying that because at this age they are unaware of the dangers they may face and often do not even feel fear, parallel measures must be taken to protect them.
Cognitive - learning field
Significant changes are observed in this area as the use of oral speech appears and develops. The child is no longer limited to reflexive movements but also begins to produce internal symbols that represent external objects and form relationships between them. It is the period when two of the three sentences of the child begin with "how" and "why". His thought raises questions and seeks answers, which, however, are not always the result of logic. It is the age when children's thinking is possessed by a lot of imagination and egocentrism. That's why they need adults with patience, creative imagination, humor, love and perfect education!
Emotional development
In infancy there is also the difficult stage of intense negativity where it is often called the "first adolescence", as the "tendencies of disagreement and opposition to autonomy" that characterize this stage are reminiscent of those of adolescence. The child in his attempt to become autonomous and to handle the skills he has acquired, often exceeds the limits and simply disagrees in order to disagree. From infantile calm he goes into an incredible action often having outbursts of anger, jealousy, stubbornness, disobedience alternating with guilt, unjustified phobias and all to an excessive degree. This whole situation disturbs the peace of the house, but it is not a cause for concern as it slowly recedes (towards the end of infancy). All you need is to provide the parents with patience!
Our teachers are well educated and trained by age category, knowing the characteristics and projecting the appropriate manipulations on a case by case basis. No child is treated as a nuisance or bad and is not treated with a punitive attitude.
Another very important part that develops in this phase is the sociability of the child as his social circle grows, he meets people outside his family environment and he begins to realise the existence of rules, pleasure and obligations through playing with children of the same age, same needs and priorities. The old traditional group games have been revived in our school, bringing to life in our wonderful garden the times when the children played from a very young age and without danger in their neighborhoods. Children are taught by nature itself in nature, feeling love and security, even though they are far from home.
Our team consists of graduate kindergarten teachers and day carers who take care of the children on a daily basis. All staff (teachers, drivers, etc.) hold a health certification booklet and are First Aid certified. The team is accompanied by the pediatrician who visits the school on a weekly basis, the speech therapist, the English teacher, the theatrologist and the dance/music kinetics teacher.
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Life in our school!!!
Our school is very proud of its teaching and support staff, who are our most precious resource.
We welcome applications from qualified, passionate, driven people, who would like to join our community and help us to achieve our goals. Such individuals should email us and attach their CV and covering letter. Any CV sent to the school will be handled in confidence according to the school’s Privacy Policy.
Send your CV and covering letter at
Statement of intent
1. The company EKPAIDEFTIKI ELAIONES M. LTD "Tree of Life Preschool Centre" (the Company) is committed to the protection of Personal Data and takes your privacy very seriously. We know that you, like us, care about how your personal data is used and shared. Read on to learn more about how we collect, store, use and publish data about you when you interact with us in any way through your services or social media.
What does this Privacy Policy cover?
2. This Privacy Policy covers the handling of the data we collect when you use our websites or services or when you interact with us in any way. We collect specific types of data, as explained in more detail below.
What Personal Data does the Company collect?
Data you provide to us:
3. We collect the personal data you provide, for example your name, your e-mail address, your job title, your TIN, the name of your child (or children) and other information about his or her health status, vaccinations, etc.
How do we use the data?
4. We use the data we collect for purposes such as:
preparation of contract and provision of services
processing and completion of transactions and sending relevant information, including transaction confirmations and invoices
to provide customer service and support by responding to questions and comments
to notify and inform customers and users for any other purpose
You may also use the information you send through our website and / or services to contact you via email and possibly other media related to products, services, offers, promotions and events that we believe you are interested in or send you a newsletter. You will always be able to opt out of such communications at any time (see "What Options Do I Have" below).
How do we share and share personal data with third parties?
5. We do not rent or sell your Personal Data to anyone under any circumstances.
6. We may process your personal information about our legitimate business interests, e.g. direct marketing, data analysis and / or modification / improvement of our services (see the section "Legitimate interest" below.
7. We do not transfer personal or other information outside the EEA (European Economic Area).
8. In some cases we may need to disclose your personal information in response to valid requests from public authorities, such as the police or security services.
Legitimate interest
9. "Legitimate interest" means the interests of our company for its business operation and management in order to provide you with the best services and the best and safest experience.
10. When processing your personal data for legitimate interest, we consider and balance any potential impact on you (both positive and negative) and your rights under data protection law. Our legitimate interest does not automatically outweigh your own interests - we will not use your Personal Data for activities where our interests outweigh the impact it has on you (unless we have your consent or permission) .
11. If you have any concerns, you have the right to object to the processing based on our legitimate interest.
Is my personal data secure?
12. We use appropriate technical, organizational, and administrative security measures to protect the data we maintain against loss, misuse, unauthorised access, disclosure, modification, and destruction. Unfortunately, no company or service can guarantee complete security. Unauthorized access or use, or failure of hardware or software and other factors may compromise the security of the data at all times.
What options do I have?
13. You can always choose not to disclose information to us, but you should be aware that information will be required to register with our Company and receive its services and updates.
14.The collection of personal data of the children is necessary for their registration in the Company, in accordance with the requirements of the legislation as well as their safe attendance, eg information on allergies, diet, vaccinations, etc. and is done exclusively by the person in charge of the child.
Linked sites
15. For convenience, hyperlinks may be posted on the site and linked to other sites ("Linked sites"). We are not responsible for the other privacy policies and we are not responsible for the privacy practices of any affiliated sites or companies that are not owned or controlled by the Company. Linked sites may collect information in addition to what we collect on the site. We do not endorse any of the Linked Sites, services or products described or offered on such Linked Sites or any content contained on the Linked Sites. We encourage you to search and read the privacy policy of each Linked Site you visit to understand how the information collected about you is used and protected.
Will the Company change this policy?
16. We are constantly striving to improve our services, so we may need to change this Privacy Policy from time to time. We will notify you of significant changes, for example, by posting a notice on the Website and / or sending you an Email, when required by applicable law. You can see when this Privacy Policy was last updated by checking the date at the bottom of this page. You are responsible for periodically reviewing this Privacy Policy.
What if I have any questions about this Policy?
17. If you have any questions or concerns about our privacy policy, please send a detailed message to
Our main address for communication purposes regarding this policy is:
Tree of Life Preschool Centre
Ekpedeftiki Elaiones LTD
40 Anatolis
55536 Elaiones Pilea
VAT 800368054
Last updated: January 2024